
What is Homophobia?

Homophobia, homophobia, or anti-gay hatred is a type of bias that identifies discrimination and bigotry against homosexuals. It is an act of irrational hostility or dread.

Hate criminal offenses against the LGBT community are common, having a greater percentage of erotic orientation-motivated criminal activity against people (such as strike or robbery) than against non-LGBT people. These hate crimes often have serious mental well being consequences, including melancholy and suicidal thoughts.

In many countries, homicide is mostly a frequent outcome of hate criminal offenses against the LGBTQ population. In Russia, for instance , several–NQTQ&hl=en people died from homicides motivated by their sexual alignment over the span of a decade, although an estimated 20 percent of LGB persons in the United States experienced such offences.

Individuals who have been victims of hate crime may experience feelings of anger and helplessness, dread to be abused by other people or police, and a sense of hopelessness and give up hope. For a few, these emotions may cause those to attempt suicide or commit aggravated crimes.

It can also be extremely tough to escape hateful or offensive media images of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons. These kinds of images, like the Chumbawamba song and the 2012 short film Homophobia, oftentimes leads people to sense that they have been labelled or misitreperted, leading to feelings of self-loathing, guilt, shame and repression.

Homophobia is a term that was coined in the early 1970s, denoting discrimination or perhaps prejudice against gays and lesbians by heterosexuals. This is a much more covering term than anti-gay phobia, since it includes negative attitudes and stereotypes regarding gay and lesbian many people. It can be noticed in a variety of ways, including the by using negative or perhaps obscene terminology to describe those that happen to be gay or lesbian and the idea that gays and lesbians are more beautiful than heterosexuals.

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